from props to jet

the IA-33 PULQUI II (cont)

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IA-33 vs MiG-15
When we compare results of the general design of MiG-15 and the IA-33 we find interesting things, that makes one think that both airplanes were sons of the same basic idea.

(It is important to note that the ideas conceived and tested by German engineers had influence on most of the leading edge airplane and missile designers of the world, in the Post-War era. As some examples it can be mentioned the B-47, F-86, F4D Skyray,the BAC Lightning, among others).

three views of MIG-15
Both projects grew independently: the MiG 15 was already flying in december 1947, when Tank had just started to work on IA-33; the Soviets kept their work in the most strict secret, so the designers in Argentina knew nothing of its evolution ; these data point to the fact that both aircraft grew independently, but starting from the same origin, that is, Tank's studies for a jet to be powered by the British radial engines.

These engines were used both planes : the IA-33 used the Rolls Royce Nene 2, and the MiG-15 used the RD-45 which was a Sovietic version of the first, built under license. Although the diameter of these kind of engine was very large, the big power that could be obtained compensed the big airframe diameter that was needed. The axial turbine engine for airplanes was still in development in the world.

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The IA-33 had a shoulder mounted wing , with important negative dihedral, to achieve great rolling maneuverability; it was very thin and clean, because neither machine guns nor anything else was supposed to be installed in it.

In the MIG-15, the wing was middle-mounted, with some convergence in chord, rounded tips and a smaller sweep angle than the one in IA-33; the aileron configuration is very similar in both airplanes, and them both had stall fences on the upper surface.

The empennages are very interesting. In the IA-33, the initial problems with the TA-183 I type of fin was solved with a shorter widened vertical surface, suplemented with a big dorsal element.

In the MiG-15, the fin was not shortened, but widened at the root, and the horizontal stabilizer was installed in a lower position than in Ta-183 I.

But the final result takes to a very similar vertical surface for both airplanes, with a very similar rudder shape for both. (in order to see this ,please enlarge the figure to the right ).

Besides, it can be noticed that the brakes are situated in the same place, although they are very different.(in the IA-33 it was a double perforated plate that slided out.)

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